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Is there an Affordable Solution to Keep My Home Clean All the Time? iRobot Roomba 614 Robot Vacuum(R614020) Review

Is there an Affordable Solution to Keep My Home Clean All the Time? iRobot Roomba 614 Robot Vacuum(R614020) Review

Do you vacuum your home every day? “Who has time for that?” may be the answer you would give to that question. But you know, if you have pets, kids, and a dusty environment, there are no excuses for that. What if there is a method to keep your home vacuumed all the time?

iRobot Roomba 614 Robot Vacuum- Good for Pet Hair, Carpets, Hard Floors, Self-Charging

Yes, Roomba 614 Vacuuming Robot(R614020) can make that happen for you. So you don’t have to reserve a day to vacuum your home and clean it. Robot vacuums are popular among households these days because of their simplicity.

Clean Your Home Everyday with iRobot Roomba 614(R614020)

Just by giving a simple command to start clean, this robot vacuum will start intelligently clean your whole home. You don’t have to watch over its duties. The robot will identify the environment around it and start cleaning even when you are not at home.

Strict on Stubborn Dirt

Dirt is not the same everywhere. Even you will find it very hard to get rid of stubborn dirt depending on the type and surface you find on. Pet hair is hard to collect in a single vacuum session, no matter how hard you try. But iRobot Roomba 614(R614020) can capture every kind of dirt regardless of the surface conditions you find them on.

How Does This Robot Vacuum Get Rid of Dirt Like That?

Well, it’s not that hard to understand when you look at the cleaning technology they possess. There are three steps of cleaning happening in iRobot Roomba 614(R614020).

1.Dual Multi-Surface Brushes

Multi-surface brushes rotate simultaneously to take down dust, dirt, and large debris on the floor. The fist smaller brush will loosen, lift and pull in dust, dirt, and hair from the ground. This brush is highly effective on carpeted floors.

The second larger brush will accelerate the debris into the suction channel, making the captures easy.

2.Edge Sweeping Brush

Edges are trick spots in a home to clean because they are harder to reach. But with the rotating edge sweeping brush, hanging out of the robot can tackle any corner in your home.

3.Vacuum Suction

Brushes only can not do the cleaning in your home. They will only throw away the dust here and there. Robot vacuums use the power of suction to trap and throw away the dirt later.

You Can’t Find Dirt Everywhere

What does this mean? Dirt is not equally spread all over the home floor. Some places are super dirty, and some are not. So, using the same amount of energy to clean everywhere is just a waste of energy.

Dirt Detect™ sensors in the iRobot Roomba 614 Robot Vacuum(R614020) will identify those areas and change the cleaning parameters accordingly to match them.

Navigate around Your Home

You know there is no home in the world with large open areas of the floor without anything on them. Every home has furniture and different appliances placed everywhere. Your Roomba 614 Vacuuming Robot(R614020) needs to do its cleaning job on these complex terrains.

With the help of navigation sensors, this robot vacuum can avoid all the furniture and clean your floor perfectly. None of your valuables kept on the floor will get damaged as well.

Non-Stop Cleaning

iRobot Roomba 614(R614020) can clean up to 90 minutes in a single charge. When the battery level is low robot will automatically return to its charging dock to juice up. And the best part is it will start from the place where it left when the battery was low.

Can iRobot Roomba 614(R614020) Fall from Stairs?

Many people think the robot vacuums can break by falling from stairs. But that’s not true for iRobot Roomba 614(R614020). It has Cliff Detect sensors installed in it to stop the robot from falling.

Carpets or Hard Floor

We have different kinds of floors in our homes. But iRobot Roomba 614(R614020) should clean everywhere equally and thoroughly. When the robot is running over the carpeted floor, it will detect that immediately to adjust the brush levels to do an effective cleaning.

Reach the Places that You Can’t

iRobot Roomba 614(R614020) is only 3.6 inches in height. This height enables the robot vacuum to reach under furniture where you can’t dream of cleaning. Because of this, every corner of your home will remain clean.

Control Your Robot Vacuum

You can use the below methods to control the robot vacuum.

1.Buttons on the Robot Itself

There are few buttons placed on the top surface of the iRobot Roomba 614(R614020). Although the control they give you is limited, you can use them to switch on the device and make it go back to its home.

2.Smartphone App

You can download the iRobot app to your smartphone from App Store or Play Store. Once you downloaded it and pair it, you will gain control over the robot vacuum.

What are the features that the smartphone app unlock?

  1. Invisible Walls – Draw walls on your home plan. The robot will not cross those lines no matter what.
  2. Scheduled Cleaning – You can make a cleaning schedule for iRobot Roomba 614(R614020) using the app.
  3. Check the Progress – Using the app, you can check the areas that your robot already covered.
  4. Name each room of your house – By doing this, you can directly ask the robot vacuum to clean that room by mentioning its name.

What is in the Box?

These are the stuff that you will find in the box when you purchase an iRobot Roomba 614(R614020).

  • iRobot® Roomba® 614
  • Home Base® Charging Station
  • Line Cord
  • 1 Extra Filter
  • 1 Flat Cleaning Tool
  • Owner’s Guide and Documentation Package

You can use the extra filter when the old filter wears off. But after that, I recommend you to buy original iRobot® Roomba® accessories for this robot vacuum.



iRobot Roomba 614 Robot Vacuum(R614020) belongs to the mid-range robot vacuum category. They are affordable and packed with all the features that I mentioned above. With all these features and cleaning power, they can effectively keep your home floor clean all the time.

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