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What Makes ZOOZEE Z50 Robot Vacuum Cleaner Stand Out from the Rest of the Robot Vacuum Cleaners?

What Makes ZOOZEE Z50 Robot Vacuum Cleaner Stand Out from the Rest of the Robot Vacuum Cleaners?

It’s another day to write a review about one of these ever helping robots. You must belong to one of the following reader groups.

  1. Who already obtains the services of a robot vacuum
  2. Who never had a robot vacuum before but wishing to buy one soon
  3. The final group who like to know more about these fascinating robots

ZOOZEE Z50 Robot Vacuum Cleaner 2-in-1 Vacuum and Mop 5200mAh LG Battery 3000Pa MAX Suction Works with Alexa & Siri Automatic Recharge Robotic Vacuum Cleaners Good for Pet Hair, Hard Floor, Carpet

No matter which group you belong to, you will get to know a lot about ZOOZEE Z50 Robot Vacuum Cleaner through this article. Let’s get on with it then, shall we?

What is the price of the ZOOZEE Z50 Robot Vacuum Cleaner?

If you ask me, this belongs to a class of vacuum robots who give you additional worth to the money you spend on them.

There is a model from many robot vacuum brands in this price range. The difference is within the quality of their service and the features they come with.

How Long Does the Battery Last in about ZOOZEE Z50 Robot Vacuum Cleaner?

Typically every robot vacuums are running on lithium batteries. But the capacity of this lithium battery has an effect on the robot’s performance. Simply if it has to be charged every 30 minutes when the robots come to continue the work, the area it already cleaned might have gone to waste already.

That means having a bigger battery is better.

  • Battery Capacity – 5200 mAH

ZOOZEE Robot Vacuum uses an LG lithium electronic battery that can clean straight up 290min in a single charge. If you consider that area-wise, it is 3767 square feet in full battery-run. But I have to be honest, these numbers are under ideal conditions. In my experience, depending on the job robot’s cleaning time differs.

Always remember your robot vacuum will automatically go to the charging station when its battery is low.

Can ZOOZEE Z50 Robot Vacuum Cleaner Mop the Floor?

Yes, it can mop your floor while vacuuming it. It is rare to see 2 in 1 robot vacuums in this price range. This means ZOOZEE Robot Vacuum Cleaner is an exception, where you can do both jobs by spending less money. The robot vacuum uses a fabric soaked with the water stored in the robot to mop the floor.

Mopping is an additional feature that comes with this robot. If you wish to use it only for vacuuming, you can simply replace the water container with the stand-alone dust container setup. You will receive both parts separately with your robot vacuum.

What are the capacities of the Dust and the Water Container?

There are two compartments you can attach to the ZOOZEE Robot Vacuum Cleaner.

  1. Stand-alone dust container
  2. Single compartment with both water and dust containers

Although ZOOZEE hasn’t mentioned the capacity of the stand-alone container, I assume it’s around 1000ml. In a moment where you don’t need your robot vacuum to mop the floor, you can use this container.

On the other hand, when you need to mop the floor, you can use 2 in 1 containers. It has a 400ml dust container and a 600ml water container in it.

What is the Suction Power of ZOOZEE Robot Vacuum Cleaner?

More suction power means three things.

  1. Better cleaning
  2. Fast battery drain
  3. More sound

Any good robot vacuum should have a balance between these two. ZOOZEE Robot Vacuum Cleaner has a suction power of 3000 Pa. Which is ideal for catch any dust or pet hair. But this intelligent robot vacuum can adjust the suction power according to the floor it’s operating on.

This means your robot vacuum will full power on carpets and less on hard floors. I noticed this helps to keep the noise levels at a minimum as well.

Can ZOOZEE Robot Vacuum Cleaner Trap Pet Hair?

I have two dogs at my home. When testing out the robot vacuum, I noticed that it is doing a decent job at removing all the pet hair from my floor. The bilateral brush‘s texture design can also transfer the remaining hair to the glue stick for segmentation.

What are the Methods Used in ZOOZEE Robot Vacuum Cleaner to Collect Dust?

There are two side brushes attached to this robot vacuum. You will receive four of these in the package because those are the ones that wear out fast. Besides that, there is a middle floating sweeper in it to sweep and gather dust.

How Good is ZOOZEE Robot Vacuum Cleaner at Navigating?

Mediocre navigation is one of the main drawbacks of low-budget robot vacuums. They spend extra time cleaning in the same spot or miss some on the floor due to this. But ZOOZEE Robot Vacuum Cleaner does a decent job at cleaning, avoiding these mistakes.

This robot vacuum is equipped with 26 advanced sensors that help it to navigate smoothly. It will identify obstacles and will not fall from stairs due to the cliff detection function.

Few other special Navigation Related Cleaning Highlights.

  • Bow Clean
  • Edge Clean
  • Area Clean
  • Local Clean
  • Auto Mode

How Do You Control the ZOOZEE Robot Vacuum Cleaner?

There are four methods you can use to control this robot.

  1. Controllers on the robot
  2. Remote controller
  3. Smartphone App
  4. Home Assistant
  • Controllers on the Robot

There are only two buttons on top of the ZOOZEE Robot Vacuum Cleaner. You can turn the device on and off using them and ask the robot to go to his charging station.

  • Remote Controller

This is my first time seeing a dedicated remote controller for a robot vacuum. Through the remote, you can give pretty much any command to the robot.

  • Smartphone App

The smartphone app gives you the complete freedom to control your robot vacuum. Activating all the above cleaning options, controlling the vacuum power, and mopping is also done through the app. Besides this, you can schedule your cleaning plan through the app as well.

  • Home Assistant

If you own a home assistant like Alexa, you must be pretty familiar with controlling the devices at home through it. You can ask Alexa to tell ZOOZEE Robot Vacuum Cleaner to start cleaning, stop cleaning or even go to its home.


I think you heard many reasons that make ZOOZEE Z50 Robot Vacuum Cleaner stand out from the rest of the robot vacuums. You have to consider the features with the robot’s price tag. Then deciding who is the best is not a tough job.

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